Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ahh...America. Luxury and Coldness. I've been here a few days and have really enjoyed seeing friends, family and sports. We have been working on getting our non-profit organization together. We're struggling write now trying to come up with a nameMore to say about that later, but for now here a a few pictures from Vic Falls I'm now able to add:

The guy was greeting us on the way down to the Boiling Point shortly downstream from the Falls. When we approached him he he showed us his teeth and we all jumped back. Apparently they just don't want you to walk in front of him. We walked caustionsly right behind him and didn't look in his eyes.

This was us at the bottom of the decent right after the baboon above. This area was really cool, it was practiacally a tropical rain forest. No rain, but it was maintained just by the midst from the falls. A trpical mist forest. Lindsey is sure lucky to have such a good looking husband.

This was the climax of Lindsey's panic attack. I didn't think she would be able to go through with it but she made it with clean pants. Mr. Sikwali, my friend and colleague, told me a story about how the cheif (or hompa) of the Vic Falls area one day trieds the bunji and wasn't lucky enough to return to the top with clean pants.

Here's me and my emerging bald spot in absolute terror, yet clean pants.

This was on the Zambezi river cruise. Just lucky timing.

Swimming trunks in Chobe Park in Botswana.

Two young kuku kissing.

more later...

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